
Shia Rights Watch condemns the closure of Althaqalain Charity Association in Kuwait

Shia Rights Watch condemns the closure of Althaqalain Charity Association in Kuwait

Shia Rights Watch International Organization has expressed their amazement by the closure of a humanitarian center in Kuwait.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018 15:48

The international organization has expressed their extreme disapproval and dissatisfaction over the closure and confiscation of Althaqalain charity, calling on the government to the need to undo this action that contradicts the international law .

“At a time when the organization is considering the decision as a blatant violation of the rights of citizenship and human rights in Kuwait, they also flagged the serious harm to dozens of needy families and orphans who will be deprived of humanitarian aids that were being offered by the charitable foundation” SRW said in a statement received by Shiawaves.

The statement pointed out that this decision is a clear avoidance of the Shia citizens in Kuwait, especially that the al-Thaqalain is the only active in the country and sponsors the affairs of the community in terms of charity and social works, especially with regard to the construction of religious centers, mosques, and Husayniyat.


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