

Rare handwritten Quran on display at world heritage week in Kashmir

A handwritten copy of the Holy Quran with gold, besides 700-year-old books in Sanskrit, Persian and Kashmiri languages are attracting large number of people at World Heritage Week in Srinagar,…

, Kashmir.

The seven-day-long heritage week began at Gani Memorial Reading Centre, RajouriKadal in old city on November 19.

The libraries department showcased the rarest of the rare books, particularly in Sanskrit, Persian and Kashmir languages which are around 700-year-old.

The handwritten Quran with gold, Bhagwat Geeta, Encyclopedia of all living creatures in a paper machine art were showcased which are major attraction.

Some history books on Kashmir written on cloth and 1870 dated book of Hakim Luqman which includes his 100 advices to his son were also showcased.