

Imam Hussein Holy Shrine sponsors the establishment of religious in Afghanistan

The Division of Religious Teaching and Information of Imam Hussein Shrine stated that a religious school will be open soon in Afghanistan that aims to spread the teachings of Ahlulbait,…

peace be upon them.

Sheikh Fahim al-Ibrahimi, division director, said that the coordination is still ongoing with Imam al-Hassan al-Mujteba Religious School – in Afghanistan – in this respect.

He added that Imam Hussein Shrine will sponsor the school by providing it with everything required for establishing the school, in addition to ensuring students transportation, food, and dormitory.

He said further that Imam Hussein Shrine is willing to support the school, for it is very important to spread the knowledge of Ahlulbait, peace be upon them, in Afghanistan.

He then said that 400 students are expected to be enrolled when the school is open.